Tuesday 23 April 2013

D- Day

'D' for Doodle

doodle, vb.  -to scribble or draw aimlessly

The aim of today was to wear a t-shirt all day that people could doodle on. (There was also a challenge to get 2 specific people to doodle on it, but I unfortunately failed in that challenge! Ah well.) I thought the doodle top would be a nice thing for people to contribute to and another way to remember my random project other than this blog!

I guess there isn't really much to write about D-Day, I wore the t-shirt and it got doodled on! Since it was a Sunday, I had lots of friends from church filling in a lot of it and then when I got back, C floor people hogged most of the space before I went on a door-knocking rampage!

The t-shirt got well and truly filled up! (Well, mostly... there were some obviously placed gaps). Some doodles were a lot more artistic than others, I especially enjoyed Matt's elephant which he felt required an "I am an elephant" written underneath it. Someone drew a 'Sammy the seal,' someone drew Australia which someone else commented on thinking it was a fried egg... poor Australia. I got a cute picture of a dinosaur, a caterpillar, a spider, a cat, some cartoon faces, a smiling boy, quite a few flowers, some very messy writing, a potato from Irish Amy, a leprechaun, a whale, 'Annie the Asian Penguin,' polka dots that looked like a lego brick... a very eclectic mix of things indeed!

I hope everyone that doodled on my doodle top enjoyed themselves!

Here are the doodles!

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